This chart creates the secrets to store sensible data into Secret objects. It contains:
WARNING: for production usage, all the default passwords should be overridden!
The chart supports an “auto” keyword to let Helm generate a random 32 characters length password.
Example: values.yaml
adminPassword: auto
Configure your image puller:
- name: # do not change this.
dockerconfigjson: XXXXX
- name: # if you have purchased a Cplex license
dockerconfigjson: XXXXX
Where ‘XXXXX’ is the token you have been given to access the DecisionBrain’s docker repositories.
Secret name: keycloak
Parameter | Secret key | Description | Default value |
keycloak.enabled | - | True if Keycloak is installed with dbos-infra | true |
keycloak.adminPassword | keycloak-admin-password | The password of the admin user | admin |
Secret name: mongo
Parameter | Secret key | Description | Default value |
mongo.enabled | - | True if MongoDB is installed with dbos-infra | true |
mongo.rootUsername | mongo-initdb-root-username | The username of the root user | admin |
mongo.rootPassword | mongo-initdb-root-password | The password of the root user | admin |
mongo.databases.dbos.database | mongodb-dbos-database | The name of the dbos database | optimserver-master-db |
mongo.databases.dbos.username | mongodb-dbos-username | The username to connect to the dbos database | optimserver |
mongo.databases.dbos.password | mongodb-dbos-password | The password to connect to the dbos database | optimserver |
The chart can also create other database connection parameters. the dbos database is defined in the values.yaml with:
database: optimserver-master-db
username: optimserver
password: optimserver
But 2 different databases could be created with:
database: optimserver-master-db
username: optimserver
password: optimserver
database: myotherdbname
username: myotherdbusername
password: myotherdbpassword
the dbos-infra chart references The ‘mongo’ secret when it installs MongoDB and creates the databases.
Secret name: postgres
Parameter | Secret key | Description | Default value |
postgres.enabled | - | True if PostGres is installed with dbos-infra | true |
postgres.rootPassword | postgres-admin-password | The password of the admin user | admin |
postgres.databases.keycloak.database | postgres-keycloak-database | The name of the keycloak database | keycloak |
postgres.databases.keycloak.username | postgres-keycloak-username | The username to connect to the keycloak database | keycloak |
postgres.databases.keycloak.password | postgres-keycloak-password | The password to connect to the keycloak database | keycloak |
The chart can also create other database connection parameters. the keycloak database is defined in the values.yaml with:
database: keycloak
username: keycloak
password: keycloak
But 2 different databases could be created with:
database: keycloak
username: keycloak
password: keycloak
database: myotherdbname
username: myotherdbusername
password: myotherdbpassword
the dbos-infra chart references The ‘postgres’ secret when it installs Postgres and creates the databases.
Use the command:
helm install dbos-secrets ./dbos-secrets -f values.yaml
helm install dbos-secrets decisionbrain/dbos-secrets --version 3.4.1 -f values.yaml
If you added the DecisionBrain Helm registry
WARNING: you must NOT update this chart using auto generated passwords. This would erase the existing passwords and break the installation environment.
Use the command:
helm upgrade dbos-secrets ./dbos-secrets -f values.yaml
helm upgrade dbos-secrets decisionbrain/dbos-secrets --version 3.4.1 -f values.yaml
If you added the DecisionBrain Helm registry